
申请条件2024-05-22 08:45出国留学网


慕尼黑工业大学 QS37


School of Computation, Information and Technology

School of Engineering and Design

School of Natural Sciences

School of Life Sciences

School of Medicine and Health

School of Management

School of Social Sciences and Technology

慕尼黑大学 QS54


Faculty of Catholic Theology

Faculty of Protestant Theology

Faculty of Law

Faculty of Business Administration - Munich School of Management

Faculty of Economics

Faculty of Medicine

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Faculty of History and the Arts

Faculty of Philosophy, Philosophy of Science and Religious Studies

Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences

Faculty for the Study of Culture

Faculty of Languages and Literatures

Faculty of Social Sciences

Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Statistics

Faculty of Physics

Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy

Faculty of Biology

Faculty of Geosciences

海德堡大学 QS87


Faculty of Biosciences

Faculty of Chemistry and Earth Sciences

Faculty of Engineering Sciences

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

Faculty of Physics and Astronomy

Faculty of Philosophy

Faculty of Modern Languages

Faculty of Theology

Faculty of Law

Faculty of Behavioural and Cultural Studies

Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

Medical Faculty

柏林自由大学 QS98


Department of Biology, Chemistry, and Pharmacy

Department of Earth Sciences

Department of Education and Psychology

Department of History and Cultural Studies

Department of Law

Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Department of Philosophy and Humanities

Department of Physics

Department of Political and Social Sciences

Department of Veterinary Medicine

School of Business and Economics

School of Medicine: Charité - University Medicine Berlin

亚琛工业大学 QS106


Faculty 1 Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Sciences

Faculty 2 Architecture

Faculty 3 Civil Engineering

Faculty 4 Mechanical Engineering

Faculty 5 Georesources and Materials Engineering

Faculty 6 Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Faculty 7 Arts and Humanities

Faculty 8 Business and Economics

Faculty 10 Medicine

卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院 QS119


Department of Architecture

Department of Civil Engineering, Geo- and Environmental Sciences

Department of Chemistry and Biosciences

Department of Chemical and Process Engineering

Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Department of Humanities and Social Sciences

Department of Informatics

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Department of Mathematics

Department of Physics

Department of Economics and Management

柏林洪堡大学 QS120


Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Faculty of Law

Faculty of Language, Literature and Humanities

Faculty of Life Sciences

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Faculty of Theology

柏林工业大学 QS154


Faculty I – Humanities and Educational Sciences

Faculty II - Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Faculty III - Process Sciences

Faculty IV - Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Faculty V – Mechanical Engineering and Transport Systems

Faculty VI - Planning Building Environment

Faculty VII - Economics and Management

弗莱堡大学 QS192


Faculty of Theology

Faculty of Law

Faculty of Economics and Behavioral Sciences

Faculty of Medicine

Faculty of Philology

Faculty of Humanities

Faculty of Mathematics and Physics

Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy

Faculty of Biology

Faculty of Environment and Natural Resources

Faculty of Engineering

汉堡大学 QS205


Faculty of Law

Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences

Faculty of Medicine

Faculty of Education

Faculty of Humanities

Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences

Faculty of Psychology and Human Movement Science

Faculty of Business Administration

图宾根大学 QS213


Faculty of Protestant Theology

Faculty of Catholic Theology

Faculty of Law

Faculty of Medicine

Faculty of Humanities

Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences

Faculty of Science

埃尔朗根纽伦堡大学 QS229


Faculty of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Theology

Faculty of Business, Economics, and Law

Faculty of Medicine

Faculty of Sciences

Faculty of Engineering

哥廷根大学 QS232


Faculty of Agricultural Sciences

Faculty of Biology and Psychology

Faculty of Chemistry

Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology

Faculty of Geoscience and Geography

Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science

Faculty of Physics

Faculty of Law

Faculty of Social Sciences

Faculty of Business and Economics

Faculty of Humanities

Faculty of Theology

Medical Center

波恩大学 QS239


Faculty of Protestant Theology

Faculty of Catholic Theology

Faculty of Agriculture

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Faculty of Medicine

Faculty of Arts(人文社科类,含心理学)

Faculty of Law and Economics

达姆斯塔特工业大学 QS246


Department of Architecture

Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Department of Computer Science

Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Department of Biology

Department of Chemistry

Department of Materials and Earth Sciences

Department of Mathematics

Department of Physics

Department of History and Social Sciences

Department of Human Sciences

Department of Law and Economics

德累斯顿工业大学 QS246


Faculty of Biology

Faculty of Chemistry and Food Chemistry

Faculty of Mathematics

Faculty of Physics

Faculty of Psychology

Faculty of Education

Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science

Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies

Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Faculty of Computer Science

Faculty of Mechanical Science and Engineering

Faculty of Architecture

Faculty of Civil Engineering

Faculty of Environmental Sciences

Faculty of Transportation and Traffic Science

Faculty of Business and Economics

Faculty of Medicine Carl Gustav Carus

科隆大学 QS268


Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences

Faculty of Law

Faculty of Medicine

Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Faculty of Human Sciences

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences




